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What Is Dr. Willard's Water?
60 Minutes Interview
People and Dr. Willard's Water
Treatment for Plants, Gardens
Treatment for Livestock, Poultry
Treatment for Pets
Storing Dr. Willard's Water
What's the Difference
Between Clear & XXX?
The following are excerpts from Aqua Vita - The Story of Dr. John
Willard and his Breakthrough Discovery: Catalyst Altered Water by Roy M. Jacobsen

Pets, Poultry & Livestock
Plants & Agriculture
willard water Treatment for Plants, Gardens

Mix 2 ounce XXX per 1 gallon of good water.


1. Spray seeds in seed bed with XXX diluted before covering soil.
2. Root cuttings in diluted water.
3. Spray foliage of plants several times during growing season.
4. When transplanting, spray roots and adjacent soil.
5. For general fertilizing of lawns and gardens, use an Ortho Fertilizer jar, set dial to 2 ounces per gallon.   Under drought conditions, repeat application.
6. For growing plants use 2 ounces per 24 gallons of water, spray plants, trees, shrubs, in the spring and fall.


1. For cut flowers, spray flowers and foliage with diluted water, use diluted XXX in vase.
2. For houseplants, water once with water diluted 3 parts water, 1 part XXX.   After that, water as usual and spray occasionally.