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What Is Dr. Willard's Water?
60 Minutes Interview
People and Dr. Willard's Water
Treatment for Plants, Gardens
Treatment for Livestock, Poultry
Treatment for Pets
Storing Dr. Willard's Water
What's the Difference
Between Clear & XXX?
For more info go to CAW Industries, Inc.
The following are excerpts From Aqua Vita - The Story of Dr. John Willard and his Breakthrough Discovery: Catalyst Altered Water by Roy M. Jacobsen
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What's The Difference Between Clear & XXX?

One of the questions often asked about Dr. Willard's Water is, "What is the difference between the clear and the XXX"?   Actually, there is very little difference.   Both products use the same ingredients and can be used interchangeably.   The difference lies in the amounts of the ingredients used, the XXX contains approximately one half the amount of the basic patented catalyst as the clear.   However, the XXX contains activated carbon, amino acid, organic trace minerals and other desirable ingredients obtained from lignite (the fossil remains of plants gown 50 million years ago.)

For diluting for human consumption or topical use:

1 ounce of clear per 1 gallon of good water, (filtered, spring, well.)

2 ounces of XXX per 1 gallon of good water, (filtered, spring, well.)

The shelf-life is unlimited, no need to be concerned about spoilage.   It can be boiled or frozen, properties remain the same.